Thursday, July 21, 2016

Improving Skin Elasticity & Hydration on a Molecular Level

I love when science and beauty come together!  I've always liked science because there is proven & measured cause and effect.  I don't like guessing games.  And when I heard that there is scientific proof that an ingredient could help improve my skin (I'm pushing 45 and really starting to freak out about sagging and wrinkles) I was SOLD!
Here's an excerpt of the article I read at Whole Foods Magazine that really enlightened me that it's not all creams and topical potions you need to keep your skin looking it's best at any age.
An often overlooked antioxidant in the skin health equation is French maritime pine bark extract, often branded as Pycnogenol (manufactured by Horphag Research).  A 2012 study published in the Skin Pharmacology and Physiology journal found that Pycnogenol works on a cellular level to improve several factors of skin health (5). The study involved 20 women who took Pycnogenol over the course of 12 weeks.
Upon assessment after week 12, the subjects benefited from increased skin elasticity and hydration. The study concluded that Pycnogenol worked on a molecular level to alter gene expression by increasing hyaluronic acid synthase-1 (HAS-1), an enzyme that plays a critical role in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid (5). Pycnogenol was also shown to play a beneficial role in the gene expression of collagen synthesis, allowing the proper creation and utilization of the ever important skin nutrient that is collagen (5). In conclusion, the study states that Pycnogenol may be “useful to counteract the clinical signs of skin aging” (5).
While this study was conducted with the supplement form, numerous natural personal care products incorporate the ingredient into topical skin formulas.
Well, since the study was on the oral consumption of Pycnogenol, I decided to seek out the best form available which turned out to be a liquid delivery system by a company called Isotonix.  Their product called OPC-3 Beauty Blend contains 40mg of Pycnogenol per serving plus other beauty boosting ingredients like biotin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins C, D3 & E, grape seed extract, billberry extract and citrus bioflavanoids (that bitter white stuff on the inside of the peel - which of course my mother always said was the best part of the fruit for you - I hate when she's right).  But I digress, the point is that I've been taking OPC-3 Beauty Blend daily and not only do I notice a difference, but other people commenting that my skin looks radiant!  And for me, although not scientific, that means it's really working!  
If you'd like to give it a try, you can receive 10% off your first order using my exclusive promo code: 10OFFMA only through this link:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Splenda Isn't So Splendid - Linked to Leukemia in 2016 Study

Splenda isn't looking so splendid after an independent Italian study this year. 
The study found that sucralose caused leukemia and related blood cancers. 
Since the study was published, the President of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Michael F. Jacobson, released a statement telling consumers “We recommend that consumers avoid sucralose, or Splenda, and we recommend consumers also avoid saccharin, aspartame and acesulfame potassium.”
For more information on the study you may enjoy these articles:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

3 Reasons to Enjoy Cruciferous Vegetables

Oven Roasted Cauliflower & Cabbage
Health agencies recommend that we eat several servings per week of cruciferous vegetables -- and for good reason.

1. One of the big reasons to eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables is that they may help to lower your risk of getting cancer.

2. Another way cruciferous vegetables may help to protect against cancer is by reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the overload of harmful molecules called oxygen-free radicals, which are generated by the body.

3. Diets rich in fish and vegetables (including cruciferous and dark-yellow veggies) may also help to protect against cardiovascular disease. A recent study found that such a diet was linked to lower levels of markers of inflammation in the body. These markers may signal an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pycnogenol Improves Mental Performance in Older Adults?

December 22, 2015Brain Health, ScienceBy 

Photo © Mnich
Photo © Mnich
French maritime pine bark extract Pycnogenol may be able to boost daily mental performance in adults aged 55—70, according to a new study.
Researchers at Chieti-Pescara University in Italy found that subjects who consumed Pycnogenol supplements daily for 12 months showed significant improvements in daily decision-making and memory when compared to a control group, as well as measurable improvements in attention span, ability to deal with people, and ability to manage finances.
Study participants were “generally fit and followed a healthy lifestyle, but had high levels of oxidative stress,” according to Pycnogenol distributor Horphag Research (Hoboken, New Jersey). In addition to its effects on cognitive function, Pycnogenol also was found to significantly decrease levels of oxidative stress, reported researchers.
The study, published in the Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences, builds on previous research indicating Pycnogenol may be effective at improving certain aspects of cognitive function, according to Gianni Belcaro, PhD, lead researcher of the study.
“We continue to see a significant performance with Pycnogenol in reducing oxidative stress and how that factors into improving overall cognitive function,” says Belcaro. “This research adds to a body of science for Pycnogenol, demonstrating its benefits for adults, ages 55 and older.”

Study Details
Of the 77 participants included in the study, 38 consumed 50 mg of Pycnogenol twice daily in combination with a controlled health plan, while the remaining 39 participants followed the controlled health plan alone. The health plan included balanced meals with reduce caffeine, salt, and sugar intake, as well as regular exercise and a sleep regimen of at least eight hours per night.
The study lasted 12 months, with researchers comparing results of questionnaires and tests conducted at the study’s outset and conclusion. Researchers evaluated participant cognitive function with an Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the elderly (IQ Code), cognitive function, daily tasks, oxidative stress and the short Blessed tests.  
After 12 months of daily supplementation with Pycnogenol, participants in the experimental group experienced:
·      A significant 72% improvement in daily decision-making, compared to a 5% decrease in the control group
·      A measurable 41.2% improvement in attention span, compared to a 1.9% improvement in the control group
·      A significant 37.3% improvement in memory, compared to a 9.8% decrease in the control group
·      A 57% increase in “ability to deal with people,” compared to a 5% decrease in the control group
OPC-3·      A 32% increase in “ability to manage finances,” compared to a 12% decrease in the control group
·      A significant 28% decrease in oxidative stress, compared to no significant variation in the control group
Researchers concluded, “Pycnogenol supplementation for 12 months appears to improve cognitive function and oxidative stress in normal subjects between 55 and 70 years of age.”
Pycnogenol is the key ingredient in OPC-3 which contains 25mg of Pycnogenol per serving and is the only liquid form of the supplement available.
- See more at: