Monday, March 23, 2015

The Natural Way to Ward Off Spring Allergies

The Natural Way: Pycnogenol to ward off spring allergies

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Are you ready?  Here in New England the 3 to 4 feet of snow has melted to just a few inches.  The birds are singing.  And before you know it the crocus will be in full bloom and trees will be getting ready to burst forth next. Evenings are getting must be close to springtime and sneezes, itchy eyes and nose. The green cloud of pollen we get every year is close to happening.

Now is the time to start using pycnogenol to help reduce allergies across the board. This product taken
OPC-3 Contains 25mg of
Pycnogenol per serving
regularly (25 mg per 75lbs of body weight/day) helps your immune system moderate its response. It remains pointedly effective at struggling with colds, infections and nasty things that cause us trouble but reduces the immune battle with allergens that will soon be floating through the air as a green cloud of pollen. Pycnogenol helps the immune system call out the full power of the armed forces for big nasties but only calls out the local cop for pollen, etc. It takes a little time for our bodies to adjust, so start using pycnogenol sooner than later and keep using it through the worst of the pollen.

Quercetin, as a safe antihistamine beneficial for Springtime allergies as well. New science has shown Quercetin to not only reduce allergic reactions but to also help lower blood pressure if it is elevated and reduce gout. So unlike some synthetic over-the-counter allergy products, Quercetin is exceptionally safe with no drowsiness and available at   Many also tout the effectiveness of a Neti pot nasal rinse.  Add an aromatic eucalyptus or peppermint and symptoms are much less troublesome.

Annoying bugs will not be far behind the blooming greenery.  The best way to deal with the bites is to avoid them. But, that can be difficult if you step off the pavement or have a dog or cat that goes outside. I like a natural repellent to spray on my neck, arms, waste and ankles. I find it keeps all sorts of flying biters at bay. It is so safe, that it can be used on dogs, cats and children.

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