Saturday, July 4, 2015

16 Healthy Foods That Rev Up Your Sex Drive

16 Foods that Up Your Sex Drive

1.       Watermelon
According to the researchers at Texas A and M University, there's a nutrient contained in watermelons that can have a Viagra-like effect on the human body. It's called citrulline and is converted into arginine in the body.

Dr. Bhimu Patil has confirmed this, saying: "Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it."

2.       Chocolate
What ISN'T chocolate good for?!
Not only is chocolate delicious, but according to Esther Blum R.D. and author of Eat, Drink. and Be Gorgeous, it is: "A great aphrodisiac, and it contains magnesium, which can make you feel very relaxed."

3.       Black Raspberries

Black RASPBERRIES not blackberries -- there's a difference!

The doctors and authors of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality have said these yummy little berries enhance libido and sexual endurance! It must be all the phytochemical in it or something!
They recommend eating at least 10 berries OR a tablespoon of the seeds just a few hours before you decide to get naughty with your partner!

4.       Figs
Two questions: has anyone ever had a real fig and does consuming a ton of Fig Newtons count??
Dr. Clement, author of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality, says figs will DEFINITELY get you in the mood or just make you super irresistible to your partner!  "They're considered excellent stimulants of fertility and enhance the secretion of pheromones."

5.       Avocados
Add some avocados to your cart! Not only are they good for you, they actually help keep your sex drive strong!

These yummy fruits contain heart-healthy fats, vitamin B5, and folic acid which helps to keep the body going and increases energy! Just what you need to keep at it!
Vitamin B6 is supposedly known to help hormone production in men which definitely equals a strong sex drive! Maybe it's just the men who need to start eating these more??

6.       Ginger
What isn't ginger good for?! Not only can this root help treat colds, it can totally help in between the sheets!
The author of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality says ginger isn't only used for medicinal purposes anymore!
"In the 21st century, those of us who know about botanical-ceuticals know that ginger helps circulation temperature adjustment, mucoid detoxification (mucus-like residue that can coat your GI tract) and it's also a libido enhancer."

7.       Clove
This is a good one for guys! Just add a little Clove to your hot apple cider or in foods and you'll be good to go!
In a published journal, research revealed this little spice extract produced an increase in sexual activity of normal male rats!
Author Keri Glassman says:  "In India, cloves have been used to treat male sexual dysfunction for centuries. Cloves are also used to rid bad breath, which can't hurt your kissing skills either."

8.       Eggs
Eggs! Apparently these babies keep you going all day long -- like the Energizer bunny!
Author Keri Glassman says:  "Eggs are high in protein, which is a source of stamina, and they're also low in calories. In addition, they're a good source for an amino acid L-arginine, which has been shown effective in treating types of heart ailments and erectile dysfunction."

9.       Steak
The next time you're thinking of what to cook for dinner for you and your loved one, think steak!

Esther Blum, R.D., author of Eat, Drink. and Be Gorgeous reveals red meat is a great source of zinc!

It is said that zinc increases your testosterone and stops production of prolactin, a hormone that can impair sexual function!
10.   Salmon
If you're not feeling steak, salmon is a great choice, too!
According to Esther, the omega-3s are great for improving circulation! It's essential for boosting blood flow to your genitals and can also raise dopamine levels in your brain!
Don't you want to feel good while you're in the mood?!

11.   Ginseng
Don't let this funky little root turn you off! It's actually to have said to boost the libido of women by like, a lot!

A research conducted at the University of Hawaii said they found women who took a ginseng supplement significantly upped their sex drive within a month and 68% of the ladies said their sex life improved dramatically! What the WHAT?!

Keri Glassman, author of The New You (and Improved) Diet! suggests:  "Add ginseng into your diet or try one of the many ginseng teas available. Just don't jump at the sight of ginseng, though. Many energy drinks that claim to have ginseng in them also contain chemicals and tons of sugar, and there's nothing sexy about that."

12.   Broccoli
Ladies, this veggie is good any way you want it! Not like, sexually, but if you're into that kind of thing...LOLz!

Author of The New You (and Improved) Diet, Keri Glassman suggests broccoli because of how much vitamin C it has! She says:

"Vitamin C aids in blood circulation to organs and has also been associated with an improved female libido."

13.   Iceberg Lettuce
Who said salads were only for people who are trying to lose weight or be healthy?!

Dr. Clement recommends iceberg lettuce if you want to rev up your sex drive!

"Iceberg lettuce contains an opiate that helps to activate sex hormones."

14.   Oatmeal
Okay, we know what you're going to say, "who wants to eat a bowl of oatmeal before having sex?!" Fine, maybe you weren't going to say that, but a bowl of this wouldn't hurt!

While oatmeal is definitely a testosterone-booster, it helps the ladies as well! Oatmeal is to said to contain L-arginine (again with the arginine!) which helps blood flows to your naughty bits!

Not only that, but it's an ingredient in lubes and love potions, too!

15.   Pine Nuts
Like a few of the other foods before it in this gallery, pine nuts are filled with arginine which, again, helps increase blood flow, just like Viagra!

So, add some of these to your salad during dinner and get a kick out of the benefits later that night!

16.   Almonds
There's a rumor way back in the day that the scent of almonds just get women going!

We're not sure if this myth is true, but these little babies are packed with zinc and according to Dr. Oz, it's the "ultimate sex mineral!"

Grab a handful, everybody!

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